Saturday, April 24, 2010

What is up with IE lately?

Seems after I view about 5 pages maybe it doesn't want to do anything anymore and I have to clsoe it out and start again.

I have run my virus checker and my spyware checker, I have done everything I can think of and nothing helps.

What is up with IE lately?windows xp themes

Same exact thing was happening to me. I came to the conclusion that IE was just crap and switched over to FireFox and I no longer have a problem viewing pages at all.

What is up with IE lately?download windows media player internet explorer

it's garbage, that is why you will be recieving a download soon to replace the current IE.
Windows and IE get junked up over time and you have to do a bit of deep cleaning. Two tools that can help are Crap Cleaner and Registry Mechanic. Crap Cleaner is a free tool you can find it by doing a search. Registry Mechanic isn't usually free but I found a free link the other day at I've used both for a long time and they keep things running tip top.

Good luck

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