Saturday, April 24, 2010

Why do opiates, ie. hydrocodone cause you to itch so much?

it happens because the vicodin is wearing off. Your body is telling you you need more.

Why do opiates, ie. hydrocodone cause you to itch so much?windows updates

They affect the central nervous system. Causing some people to itch. Discuss your reaction with your Doc. He should be able to adjust your meds.

Why do opiates, ie. hydrocodone cause you to itch so much?replacement windows internet explorer

Most likly yoy are getting to much of the drug. Tell the doctor and he can adjust your dose and the itch will go away.
Something in your system doesn't like coedine. In a sense you are allergic to it, but your doc can explain that to you. It has to do with histamine and coedine I believe. You should switch to something without coedine. good luck

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,

    I have been using hydrocodone for a long time and am familiar with the itching referred to which is most commonly experienced upon ingestion of larger quantities of hydrocodone and can also happen when consuming other narcotics including diacetylmorphine (aka diamorphine / heroin), oxymorphone, hydromorphone (dilaudid), and few others. Itching is a direct result of the release of hepatic (=liver) enzymes in order to break down the substance in question. When using prescription drugs as prescribed, itch is uncommon in most patients. Excessive itching can further indicate overdosage of the substance in question. Although this does not always mean that medical attention is required, it does often indicate that you have taken more than required. I hope this answers the question.

    Teresita Tejada


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