Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Did you know Orthodox (ie. unchanged) Christianity doesn't automatically say non-Christiansto g

People interested in annihilationism and univeralism will take heart with Orthodoxy if they never researched it. It's very different to Catholicism and just as old (if not older). You then realise how heavily Protestantism is just a branch of Catholicism.

If Orthodoxy wasn't the first (or equal-first), unchanged Christianity, I'd have thought it's some cooky new-age thinking.

I was pretty shocked when an Orthodox priest (a convert from Anglicanism) told me he's not worried about the fate of Ghandi and other good non-Christians who have done good in this world. He says God's just and there's going to be a lot of surprises over who God actually rewards in the afterlfie. He also doubts the protestant's idea that you just just snap your fingers by believing in Jesus and assume you'll automatically go to heaven. They don't take a black-and-white view of the world the way Protestantism does.

How many more protestants (like me until recently) never studied this original Christianity?

Did you know Orthodox (ie. unchanged) Christianity doesn't automatically say non-Christiansto go to hell?microsoft frontpage

Orthodox theology says that those who die before hearing the truth of Orthodoxy are in God's hands and we cannot comment on their fate or how God will judge them. However, the catch is that you have to have not heard the truth. In the example given above, Ghandi would most likely have known about the Orthodox teachings and ignored them. Therefore, his fate, based on the teachings of the fathers from the beginning, is sealed and all of his good acts cannot overcome his rejection of the truth. Your priest friend is showing his protestant roots and needs to go back to school since he is talking based on his feelings and logic and not based on the written word of the Orthodox faith, which does not take feelings and human knowledge as having any significance. However, he is correct that just saying "I believe in Jesus" will get you nowhere.

Did you know Orthodox (ie. unchanged) Christianity doesn't automatically say non-Christiansto go to hell?windows vista home premium internet explorer

First that I have heard of it, but good to know. Thanks.
Glad I learned this
I agree.
You are wrong about it being 'very different from Catholicism - there are not very many differences.

And Catholicism also does not say who will or will not go to heaven.

Just wanted to point that out. :)

I love the Orthodox faith.
There's nothing new or original about these heretical views. The idea that the good and the famous go to heaven pervaded the beliefs of the Greeks and Romans.

The annihilation theory came out a few decades ago and was briefly supported by several evangelists like John Stott, who later rejected it.
If someone does not obey the words of Christ, they are not Christians. The true practicing Jews are not Christians. They do not even believe that Jesus was the Messaiah. Jesus said that if you love me, you will obey my commandments.

It is safer to study the Bible for you'r self then to take the word of others. The Bible says to- study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.(2 Timothy 2:15). also it says- But shun prophane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness (2 Timothy 2:16). also- Never the less the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.
The Orthodoxy IS the first, unchanged Christianity, because it was maked by The Apostles (for example in Romania by Saint Apostle Andrei). If you send me your email address i will send you images from the cave where Saint Apostle Andrei lived and teached the people (my group is

The Catholic's was detached from the unic Christian Church and, in time, the protestants from Catholics, etc. The members of this sects will be saved depending on how much they respect the basic Church.

The other religions the salvation is depending by combination of circumstances of their lifes (from born, state, tradition, education, culture etc.) but anyone find out about Christianity must respect "the rules"!
Quran 2--62

whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does right - surely their reward is with their Lord, and there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve.
I am Orthodox I converted from an agnostic/diest fromer Anglican frame of mind.

The Orthodox theology- dose say love man love God as people were made in the immage of God. We are saved by love not knowlege.
ha ha...

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