Look the new Yahoo page is available and works fine on IE7 in germany, but refuses to work in US, WHY???
see for yourself http://de.yahoo.com/preview/
New Yahoo on IE 7 in Germany, why not US?ie
It does.
A different address :)
New Yahoo on IE 7 in Germany, why not US?microsoft internet explorer
Very unlikely, try clearing your cookies (perhaps you committed to keeping the old layout) and then refreshing couple of times.
I guess yahoo has released new page for every country. Check it out.
This is correct. It does not work with IE7 in the US. Had to download mozilla firefox to run it.
I had the same problem the other day. If you see the "old" page look for a link in the upper-right quadrant of the web page that says something like "Try the new Yahoo home page".
I believe once you select that it will default to that page going forward. I guess it uses a cookie, not sure.
Must just be you
Just try ed it in the Philippines
the site with go fish (translator)
works just fine.
Yahoo has added many countries
the translator works with all the sites listed below, check them out real good to see what is importing in other countries an there style
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